Bookdetails - Bhagavad Gita [HB] (Shankara Commentary)

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Bhagavad Gita [HB] (Shankara Commentary)
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Swami Gambhirananda

The commentary of Shankara on the Gita is regarded as an outstanding specimen of Indian scholarship. The translator has accomplished his task in a most praiseworthy manner by giving a faithful translation, without in any way detracting from the strength or clarity of the original commentary. The inclusion of a 'word index' of the entire text has added to the worth of the book.

Cover Type: HB

Pages: 848

Category: Gita, Scriptures

Language: English

AU $ 26.00

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All Titles : Swami Gambhirananda All Titles in Category: Gita, Scriptures

Let each one of us pray day and night for the downtrodden millions who are held fast by poverty, priestcraft, and tyranny. Pray day and night for them. I care more to preach religion to them than to the high and the rich. -Swami Vivekananda


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